Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Website!

Hey everyone out there following our blog! Although I'm sure there are very few of you, just wanted to make sure you weren't left behind. I've set up a new website! It's snazzier, has more features, and just looks better.



Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ryerson Greens' second meeting: Help us set up an executive and develop an election plan!

Hey Everyone! Happy sustainability week!

Our first meeting went extremely well. It was Ryerson's introduction to the party. I thank all of you that came, and also those that signed up for our list, and those in our facebook group. You were all part of the success.

Now, it's time to kick it into gear. We were the first to show a presence on campus this election, but we have to keep up the momentum. The Conservatives have come up with a strange marketing campaign, and considering how much money they have, we should be seeing it around fairly soon. We have competition.

We need a core group of people to run the campaign on campus, and we need a plan. That's where you come in. If you're interested in being on the executive and/or helping out with planning, come on out to our second meeting!

The executive will be 3-5 people with different responsibilities. An example of the different responsibilities:

-Volunteer Co-Ordinator

-Events Co-Ordinator

-Media/Communication Co-Ordinator

And here's an idea of the things that make up the campaign:

Speakers, movies, concerts, fashion shows; anything to get attention!

Designing, printing, and putting up posters.

At events, at street corners, in residence, to professors, everywhere. We also want to get as many buttons out there as we can. They're an incredible tool on election campuses to show a critical mass of voters.

-Other advertising
Setting up tables in public places, chalking visible surfaces on campus, Facebook, etcetera

-A website
It's very poor right now. It can barely be called a website.

-Volunteer coordination
Keeping in touch with them and linking them with the broader campaign.

I know students are strapped, but with a campaign at this level, every little bit counts! $10 buys 500 sheets of 100% post-consumer recycled paper - that's 500 posters!

Being on our executive will be a fantastic experience!

Ryerson Greens' Second meeting

Thursday, January 31


O'Keefe House (At the corner of Bond and Gould; entrance at back)

If any of you want to come but can't make it at 6, please let me know asap, and I'll try and accomodate you.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Post-Meeting Update: 59 days to the election

Hey everyone! I first want to thank everyone for coming out to the meeting on Monday night! It was a fantastic success.

Media Coverage

An article was written about the meeting on Monday in the Ryersonian that you can check out here: http://www.journalism.ryerson.ca/online/masthead/jan1608/Jan16-08page3.pdf
We should also expect one in the next issue of the Ryerson Free Press.

Immediate Volunteering Needs
If you're interested in doing any or all of these things, reply to this e-mail asap.

1) Sustainability Fair Booth: Next week is Sustainability week, and among other cool goings-on, there will be a sustainability fair, where campus groups can strut their stuff, so to speak. It will be happening in Podium on Tuesday between 11am and 3pm. We need people to
-help make a display board with information about the party
-sit at the table and chat with passers-by. Don't worry, you won't need to know all that much about the platform and stuff! If we have enough volunteers, there should be at least two people at the table at all times. How about we split the time up into two shifts; 11-1, and 1-3.

2) Pamphletting David Suzuki:
Before and after the David Suzuki speech this Friday (at 5:30ish to 8:30ish), we need people to hand out pamphlets about the platform.

3) Daily Canvassing: At 1pm and 6pm every weekday, we need volunteers to help blanket the riding with green literature. If you're interested in doing this, contact Jason Hammond at jason@christindal.ca.

Other Stuff that We'd love you to do

1) If you do have facebook, join our group! http://ryerson.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5969389817
Also, join Chris Tindal's facebook group: http://ryerson.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2303204601

2) Come to our GTA Green Pub Night, happening right here at Ryerson! People from campus Green groups from U of T, York, UTSC, and anywhere else (Know any George Brown students?) are dropping by the imperial to chat, and talk election. We'd love to have you!

The Imperial Pub
54 Dundas St. E (just east of Victoria)

3) Come to the David Suzuki after party! The godfather of green himself is coming to Toronto, but I'm afraid the tickets are pretty much sold out. Don't worry, though, there's an after party being held by the Green Party! Chris will be there, as well as Deputy party leader Adrienne Carr.

171 College St. (near McCaul)

4) Think about what we can do on campus: We want to be loud, we want to be confident, we want to make a splash, and we want to have fun. I really want to hear your ideas on how we can do that. There are so many fun things we can do beyond the traditional campaign stuff. Are there any of you that have talents out there that would be handy? Like harp-playing skills, or film-making skills, or anything else? Don't be shy! For example, we're arranging a bet between me and the leader of the Campus Liberals to have to do something embarrassing. I'll keep you posted on that one

Reasons why this election is ours!

In case you missed the meeting, or didn't catch the whole thing, I will list here all the factors that are making Toronto Centre the best chance the Green Party's ever had:

-The election was called in December. An incredibly long campaign allows us to become incredibly prepared.

-There are only elections happening in 4 ridings, instead of the 308 we're used to. This means that the party can focus more of it's resources here!

-Loads of people from across the country are coming right here to help us in every way.

-The Green Party has gained an enormous amount of experience and media exposure in the past three years. A number of the party's staff have jumped ship from other parties, and bring with them decades of election experience.

-In the city of Toronto (the '416'), the Green Party is currently polling at 15%, tied with the NDP. Our percentage in Toronto Centre itself is undoubtably higher. And the NDP has been openly antagonistic of Rosedale, a neighbourhood that makes up a large part of the riding.

-The Conservative candidate is simply not a contender.

-Bob Rae, the Liberal candidate, has a negative reputation from his time as NDP premier of Ontario.

-We have a growing number of endorsements from prominent community members.

-Here on campus, none of the other parties have a visible presence. We have the opportunity to sweep Ryerson in a sea of green.

-Our candidate, Chris Tindal, is well informed and well spoken. He's the perfect guy for the job.

-We have you!!

Happy election!

Monday, January 7, 2008

"Rye gets its Greens" - Our first media coverage in the Eyeopener

Check it out - word is already starting to spread!


Posted on 12/22/07
Written by Alexandra Yeboah

(The Eyeopener) - A new political association is hoping to bring a green agenda to campus.

The Ryerson Greens will be the school’s fourth political party group, alongside the Young Liberals, the Campus Conservatives and the Young New Democratic Party.

To start things off, the Greens plan to hold a meeting in January with guest speakers Frank De Jong, leader of the Green Party of Ontario, and Chris Tindal, Green Party of Canada candidate for the Toronto Centre.

Tindal, a Ryerson graduate himself, advises the Greens to make the party’s activities as fun as possible. “If it’s not fun, it’s not sustainable. Also, attract as much people as you can. Talk about democracy, not politics because people think politics is a dirty word. That’s what the Ryerson Greens should be all about.”

Denis Agar, who founded Rye’s Greens, is confident there is green support on campus.

“I was surprised [Ryerson] didn’t have a Green Party, so I wanted to start one. The Green Party reflects my goals and beliefs, and it’s an effective way to make positive change.”

Chris Drew, Ryerson Students’ Union VP Finance, supports the Greens starting on campus. “I think environment issues are finally getting the recognition they deserve. The coalition will welcome anyone who wishes to get involved with sustainability issues on campus,” he said.

RSU president Nora Loreto also supports the new party. “I think it’s good to have all four parties represented on campus, hopefully students can become engaged on campus through their own interests.”

The Ryerson Greens registered as an affiliate group in October and have not received any money from the Green Party of Canada, but have enjoyed materials and event speakers.

Currently, coordinators Agar and Amanda Bond are working part-time on an upcoming by-election, advertising the January meeting, and figuring out the Greens’ role on campus.

“There are so many campaigns in terms of activism, but we want to narrow it down so it will be more effective,” Agar said.

In terms of green efforts on campus, Agar says there is a lot more that could be done. “We have a lot of work to do at Ryerson. What Ryerson really needs is a sustainability office, it is definitely necessary. Right now, they have green efforts in every department and that’s good, but if they coordinate things, they can decide which green efforts are more effective.”

Tindal says having locally produced food is something Ryerson might want to try — the University of Toronto has been doing for over a year. U of T also has a sustainability office and a green team that is actively doing its part to make campus more environment-friendly.